
Alert Thalassemia Before Marriage

Not many people know the details of thalassemia disease. Not as popular as heart disease, but even more deadly thalassemia and no known cure to date. Moreover, the number of people with congenital disease is increasing.
According to the World Health Organization, WHO, there are currently 7 percent of world population for traits such as thalassemia. Then, nearly 10 percent of Indonesia's population are carriers of the nature of this disease, perhaps even greater.
Thalassaemia is a hereditary disease due to genetic abnormalities in the globin gene or the alpha and beta globin that is not fully formed globin chains. As a result, the production of hemoglobin is reduced. Thus, the age of red blood cells become shorter due to damage.
Genetically, thalassemia is divided into two. Namely alpha thalassemia, which occurs in thalassemia and beta-globin negligent, which occurs in the beta globin. In Indonesia alone, more often found in patients with beta thalassemia.
Based on the degree of disorder, thalassemia is divided into major and minor thalassemia. Patients with thalassemia major require a blood transfusion once every 2 months or once a month depending on levels of hemoglobin in their blood. In addition, it needed the use of iron chelation drugs to neutralize the excess iron in the body. Because excess iron can damage their organs.
"In one day, humans require one milligram of iron, if excessive, the rest will accumulate in the organs of the body. Stockpile of iron in the organs will interfere with the performance of the organ, the organ becomes weak," said Elva Aprilia Nasution, Product Specialist Thalassaemia Prodia , when found in Jakarta.
Stockpiles of iron is often found in the heart. This causes the majority of people with thalassemia major die of heart or weak of heart disease, other than because of HIV and hepatitis due to blood transfusion that is not true.
People with thalassemia major has a characteristic pale-faced and enlarged spleen due to the amount of red blood cells are discarded. Including changes in the form of advances such as herniated discs and bruises, dark patches on the skin due to deposits of iron, growth disorders, and suffer from malnutrition.
In contrast to thalassemia major, thalassemia minor only people with thalassemia trait and do not carry disease. However, people with so-called thalassemia minor or thalassemia trait carriers can produce a thalassemia major child if married to someone who is also a nature.
This disease is a hereditary disease that can not be cured. And, can be transmitted to succeeding generations, the prevention can only be done by avoiding marriage fellow bearer of properties.
Treatment for thalassemia diseases including expensive. According to data from medical laboratories, Prodia, one child may spend Rp200-300 million per year. This fee includes the cost of blood transfusion and iron chelation drugs. If left untreated, children with thalassemia major can only survive a few months or a maximum of 2 years.
How is it prevented?
Before marriage, couples are encouraged to perform health tests through a laboratory examination to determine if they carry the trait or not. If fellow thalassemia carriers marry, they will have the possibility of a child 25 percent normal, 50 percent of the carrier properties, and 25 percent of thalassemia major.
This possibility occurs beracak. If already pregnant, the mother must undergo prenatal testing at 2 months of gestation to determine the condition of newborn infants. If you find a baby suffering from thalassemia major, the couple was given the option to maintain the pregnancy or abortion.
Then, if one spouse is a patient thalassemia major and the other is the bearer of properties, then they will produce a 50 percent chance the child thalassemia major, and 50 percent of the carrier properties. Both of the above conditions is not advisable to have a biological child.
However, if one of the married couples are hereditary, while others are normal, then they have the possibility to have children of 50 percent and 50 percent of the nature of normal.
For a person with thalassemia major Who is married to normal people Will They then have the possibility to have children 100 percent of the carrier properties.
Both conditions can still have a biological child. To avoid this and as a first step of prevention, health checks before marriage is essential.

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