
Be careful, Leggings Can Make You Fat

Leggings are one of the favorite female subordinate. Sense of comfort and simple it can be obtained by wearing leggings. But did you know that wearing leggings can make fat. That's because leggings can trigger muscle "lazy" and not propped up with a good belly so it tends to sag. Some physiotherapists warn this is because many women make the leggings as pants everyday. "Leggings feels comfortable...
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Beware Danger Plastic Packaging

Numerous studies reveal the quantity of food as well as packaging that is harmful to health. Latest, conducted by researchers from the United States, Adam J Spanier, who found adverse effects of chemicals in the plastic packaging of food on breathing. As quoted from the pages of the Daily Mail, the study showed that pregnant women with high levels of bisphenol A in the body has two times greater risk...
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Stomach Fat deposits in danger

Obesity is a scourge for some people because it can increase the risk of heart disease and stroke. Specifically, this was related to the shape and area of ​​fat in the abdomen. According to scientists, abdominal fat deposits can double the risk of death from heart disease and stroke. As quoted from the pages of the Daily Mail, a study on nearly 16 thousand patients with coronary heart disease, found...
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Healthy and Fit with the Spice Kitchen

No need to visit to the doctor if a child exposed to a mild fever or sore throat symptoms. You could double as 'part-time doctors' for self and family for treatment of minor ailments. Medication for minor complaints really on your kitchen shelf. Of the many herbs and spices to food, there are some natural remedy that has long been known to solve everyday health problems. Roy Sunita Chaudhary, a...
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Alert Thalassemia Before Marriage

Not many people know the details of thalassemia disease. Not as popular as heart disease, but even more deadly thalassemia and no known cure to date. Moreover, the number of people with congenital disease is increasing. According to the World Health Organization, WHO, there are currently 7 percent of world population for traits such as thalassemia. Then, nearly 10 percent of Indonesia's population...
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Unique tricks Reduce Pain

The pain can be triggered by many things and come up anytime. Ranging from abdominal pain due to menstruation, headaches, to sore muscles. To reduce the pain, many people taking the drug immediately. In fact, there are other ways that can be done so that the pain is reduced and you do not consume too much medication. Just try the following four unique tricks, which studies show can reduce pain. 1....
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Effect of Depression on Decision Making

Depression may not always bad. Recent studies have found that people with acute depression better decisions than people who do not have this disorder or mild depression. Depression is a psychiatric condition marked bad mood, low self-esteem and loss of interest in normally enjoyable activities. About 20 percent of people worldwide suffer from depression at some point in their lives. In the study,...
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Coffee Can Reduce Breast

You used to drink three cups of coffee per day? Be careful, because coffee can reduce the size of your breasts. Researchers believe that too much caffeine in the body can affect the hormones and lead to increasingly smaller breast size. The more coffee a woman consumed, the smaller the size of her breasts. Nearly 300 women participated in this study. They were asked to answer questions about how...
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